One night, I was at my aunt and uncle's old house and it was just us kids—my cousins, me and my sister. I was upstairs by myself, but everyone else was in the basement. I was sitting there watching T.V, when I got freaked out a little for some reason. I got up, without turning off the T.V, and heading downstairs. Then I just stopped. I looked to my right at the door to the backyard, and I saw two red eyes just staring at me. I stared back. It suddenly moved toward me. I moved forward. It moved forward and jumped at me, so I ran downstairs. Everyone was like "WTF?" I just said that it was nothing. Then, we heard something in my cousin`s room. He opened the door and the lamp he had was facing the opposite wall, and it suddenly shattered into pieces. He turned around and his nose was bleeding. I've never seen him scared in my life 'till that day. We all just shot up stairs and stood there together. That's the scariest night of my life. I try not to remember it.
You're perfect in short-story writing:) The story becomes more interesting because it is real.
ОтветитьУдалитьSo what it was??)) The inexplicable phenomena at the magic night??
ОтветитьУдалитьThrilling story. I would better not have something of the kind in my life!
ОтветитьУдалитьAt first I thought it has really happened in your real life. Very fascinatingly and it's frighteningly enough!